Seaflora and Earth Day 2021
Seaflora has been a leading green company in the skincare business since the beginning. In this blog we’ll cover Seaflora and Earth Day, our donation plans, and our strategy to have the most impact on our goal of ecological preservation with year-round green practices.
It all started with our founder, Diane Bernard. Pioneering the use of fresh, raw seaweed in the skincare industry, Diane has devoted over two decades to the research and development of the world’s first skincare line formulated from certified organic seaweed. It’s a funny story actually, when we first sought USDA certification, they had never certified a plant or vegetable that didn’t have a root system. They had not certified this natural resource as USDA organic before Seaflora’s wild, organic, sustainably hand-harvested seaweeds came along.

Diane’s revolutionary approach to using fresh seaweed in skincare is far-reaching: through years of testing, the Seaflora Skincare team has developed methods that keep the raw nutrients in seaweed biologically active. Her idea was to minimally process and include the fibres. Seaweed Body Gel pills, however it has been referred to as “Liquid Gold” by those in the Spa and Wellness industry who have discovered it!
As the next generation, Adam Butcher, and his wife and partner Chantelle Line, are honoured and proud to continue the family business building upon what Diane began over 20 years ago. Seaflora has been recognized globally as an industry leader in seaweed skincare, being touted as “The Dom Perignon of Marine Skin Care” in Vogue Magazine, it is their vision to take Seaflora’s leading edge products to the next level with new innovative formulations using new techniques, while staying true to the core values and sustainable business practices that have made Seaflora the successful family business it is today.

What is Seaflora Doing for Earth Day 2021?
“The first Earth Day in 1970 mobilized millions of Americans for the protection of the planet. On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans — 10% of the U.S. population at the time — took to the streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and demand a new way forward for our planet. The first Earth Day is credited with launching the modern environmental movement and is now recognized as the planet’s largest civic event.” You can read more about Earth Day and their ways of leadership on their website! Seaflora wants to celebrate our earth by supporting local causes. That’s why for Earth Day this year, and for the month of April, we will be donating 3% of our total sales to the Ancient Forest Alliance on top of our monthly donation! The Ancient Forest Alliance is working to protect BC’s endangered old-growth forests and ensure a sustainable, second-growth forest industry. As I write this, Diane, George, Adam, Chantelle, and her son are all at Fairy Creek trying to save precious old growth forest that Premier Horgan promised to protect.
Let’s be perfectly honest, everyday is Earth Day at Seaflora! Our zero waste program is pretty sophisticated! Our ingredients are mostly locally foraged from the world’s most sustainable natural resource. We are moving to ALL glass 2022. You can feel good about purchasing Seaflora Skincare, because your purchases mean we get to make monthly donations to The Ancient Forest Alliance, The Georgia Straight Alliance, and the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society.
Another Exciting Date for Seaflora!
Starting in June, a portion of all sales will go to The Georgia Straight Alliance to celebrate World Oceans Day! What is World Oceans Day? Well, their goal is to educate about the importance of protecting our waterways, watersheds and ocean waters and habitat and encourage everyone to take action to preserve, conserve and protect. Everyone in the world lives on a watershed. Oceans generate 80% of our oxygen (trees generate 20%). The future of our planet is in our hands. 125 species are at risk in our Georgia Straight. The Georgia Straight Alliance works to protect these at risk species and much more! You can read about all the work they do on their website.
Seaflora has another exciting date to share with the world! This September, with the purchase of any Seaflora product, you are helping to donate to raise a fish! By partnering with the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society, Seaflora will be taking a trip down to our local Sooke River Jack Brooks Hatchery to help stock local salmon populations. Our goal is about saving salmon, Coho as well as Chinook. When we help the salmon, we help the southern resident killer whale population, commercial fishermen, recreational fishermen, the First Nation’s Fishery and the environment. Help us help the oceans this September!
The Sustainability of Seaweed Skincare
Seaflora aims to act globally while working locally. All Seaflora products are formulated and hand crafted in Sooke, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. All seaweeds infused into every Seaflora Skincare formulation are hand harvested in the nearby Salish Sea. Our ingredients are sourced as close to home as possible, indigenous ingredients form the bases of our skincare products and all seaweeds are hand harvested within a 75km radius of our manufacturing facility. These steps significantly reduce our carbon footprint! We actively practice these to insure that we are doing our utmost to look after what our earth has given us. Take a look at what Seaflora does to make sure you’re getting the local sustainable skincare you’re looking for here!
That’s not all! Seaweed is extremely sustainable. Giant Kelp, the main ingredient in many Seaflora products, can grow up to 2 feet (60cm) per day. In addition to this, Seaflora only harvests at the end of the seaweeds life cycle, leaving the reproductive parts of the algae intact for future generations. We are licensed to harvest 9 different seaweeds between Sooke and Port Renfrew, British Columbia, Canada. We only harvest wild seaweeds, as opposed to polluting our pristine coasts with farmed, rope-grown seaweeds.
Who Does Seaflora Donate to?
Seaflora actively participates in the conservation and protection of our unique coastal ecosystems. With monthly donations to the Ancient Forest Alliance, Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society and the Georgia Straight Alliance, we aim to give back to our communities and environment. And that’s not all! Seaflora also takes extra care with our ingredients, packaging, head office and manufacturing facility. Read about how on our website!